Introducing the Boudoir Fairy Godmother

Heya, I’m Danielle!

If you’ve been a follower on TikTok or a member of our Facebook group for a while then I guess you’ll recognise my face, but I thought perhaps you’d like to know how I became the Boudoir Fairy Godmother.

I confess that I rather liked school; I found a good group of friends, some of which I’m close to still today, and a generally fab set of teachers. Art was always my favourite subject closely followed by the sciences (a weird combination, I know) and I went on to study Psychology at university. At the weekends, amateur musical theatre was a big part of my life and I loved performing in the theatre with my friends.

I never knew what I wanted to do for a living, but it’s funny how I can now see how all three of those passions brought me to what I do today. I’ve found myself in a place where I have to really understand people (Psychology) and be creative (Art) whilst sharing my message on social media (Theatre). Who could have predicted that?!

After working in High Street studios for 12 years or so, I set up Foxlow Photography in Derbyshire with my business partner Jon at the end of 2018 and our first photoshoot was in January 2019.

We always wanted Boudoir photography to be a part of our business, but when we opened the studio we also photographed children, families and even dogs too. We found ourselves focusing more and more of our time on Boudoir photoshoots until we finally specialised in October 2020. I’m so grateful that we did!

I think it’s easy to explain Jon and Charlotte’s roles at the studio (he is your boudoir photographer and she is your makeup artist) but it’s trickier to explain what I do. When I need to write my occupation on a form I always stumble.

I’m on hand throughout your experience to support you - from booking an appointment and planning your visit, to lingerie shopping and getting dressed, then demonstrating poses in the boudoir studio and even designing your photo album. One client described me as the Boudoir Fairy Godmother and I rather love that, so it’s stuck!

The reason I truly love what I do is that I get to see the transformation in a woman’s self image and confidence. It is a real honour to see a someone go from nervously texting me to strutting their stuff in the studio and shedding tears of joy when they see the photos and finally accept the beauty we’ve seen all along.

I love it when clients post on social media or send me a message months or even years after their shoot to tell me how much their confidence has grown and all the amazing things they go on to achieve in life.

They’ve worn a bikini for the first time, found love, changed jobs, started their own business and performed burlesque on stage to name but a few! I am so proud of every one of them.


Alison found a new love for her body after menopause


Fran rediscovered the confidence that trauma had stolen from her