Introducing our 10 day confidence challenge!

Having worked with ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes I’ve learned that a woman’s self esteem and body image have almost nothing to do with how they look or what they’ve achieved. Too many amazing women don't see how amazing they are, so I've designed a series of 10 challenges to help you confront your insecurities and boost your confidence! 


I’m privileged to have seen first hand the transformation that a boudoir photoshoot can have on a woman’s confidence, yet ironically it’s often a lack of confidence that delays someone from booking a photoshoot in the first place.

Lack of confidence and low body image can hold us back.

It’s so sad to see women in our group The Vixens of Foxlow struggling with their confidence and letting their insecurities hold them back from doing what they want to do; be that wearing something they like the style of, trying a new experience, or indeed booking a boudoir photoshoot with us.

We understand what it feels like.

Both Jon and I struggle with our confidence and, like everyone, this varies depending on the situation we find ourselves in. Jon has spoken in our Facebook group about how, as a natural introvert, his confidence suffers in larger groups. Whilst I struggle with my confidence most when I feel unprepared or out of place, I certainly suffer from imposter syndrome quite often.


We may appear confident in the studio, but it’s a totally different scenario elsewhere in our lives. You should have seen us when we were about to be featured on the radio! I couldn’t feel my face and didn’t actually know what I said for the first 10 minutes I was being recorded.

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It’s all too easy for me to believe that 1 in 3 adults in the UK say they felt down or low because of their body image in the last year and 20% felt shame about their body (Mental Health Foundation, 2018). Low self esteem isn’t a mental health issue in itself but it can be a sign of a mental health issue and can negatively affect every aspect of your life professionally, personally and romantically.

This 10 day challenge is all about shaking things up with self love and acceptance.

Join the challenge and I shall send you a different task every day to confront your insecurities and boost your confidence, so join me on this journey with an open mind and let’s have fun!


Emma’s second boudoir photoshoot showed how far her confidence had grown


Annette finally believes her husband when he says she’s beautiful