Re-discovering your identity and confidence after a break-up or divorce.

So many women struggle with their self-confidence and body image following the breakdown of a relationship. The emotional impact of feeling rejection, failure and loss can seriously undermine your self-esteem, whilst such a huge change in your life often leads to an identity crisis. Who are you now?

That’s why so many clients come to us for a boudoir photoshoot after a divorce or significant break-up! It’s an amazing way to celebrate this new chapter and boost your confidence.

post divorce confidence

"After going through a divorce, I wanted to feel something other than what it was to be a wife and a mother. I'd completely lost my identity as a singular person and the experience at Foxlow from booking, right through to choosing my images, has been life changing.

It's given me confidence to face the world again, to rediscover who I am, and most of all to have fun in doing so! Not only is it an experience that will last a lifetime, it also gives you the courage to face whatever life throws at you. A truly amazing gift that I will carry with me forever." Rebecca

plus size boudoir photoshoot

“My ex-partner walked out on me 10 years before my shoot, when my daughters were aged 4 and 6 months. I spent the next decade devoted to them, but with my youngest at nearly 11 I decided I needed to find 'me' again. I was fed up of being on my own, but couldn't think about dating when I'd lost my identity and just felt old, fat and frumpy.

finding your confidence after a breakup

I did the shoot with Foxlow and it completely changed me. I remembered the woman I used to be and my confidence soared. A year or so down the line, and a lot more comfortable in my own skin, I was confident enough to have a conversation with a stranger in the local pub and another year down the line I revisited Foxlow to do a couples boudoir shoot!

I'm not slim, I'm not young, but I am the happiest I've ever been.” Clare

"After the breakup I felt very low about myself because of how my ex treated me through the whole breakup. I felt so alone and didn't know how to get back to myself, I needed something to boost my confidence and self-esteem.

Both during and after the photoshoot, I finally loved myself again! I've never really liked my body, so I'm so grateful I finally found the confidence to do it for myself." Katie

"These photos have given me more respect for how amazing a body can be especially after two children who came by c-section, a horrific divorce, and a lot of yoyo dieting.

We don't always accept or appreciate the journey our body have been on and what they have conquered. I am no way the smallest person in the world and I understand people's hang ups and feeling like they need to lose weight, but one thing this experience has taught me is we are our own worst critic.

Here's to the finalisation of my divorce and to loving life again!" Abby

"I booked my photoshoot to give me more confidence and to learn to love myself - for me, not for anyone else.⁠

I was nervous before the shoot, but in the studio I felt empowered and brave.⁠ Danielle and Jon made it easy to forget I was only in underwear!" Laura

confidence boosting photoshoot

“I felt a sigh of relief after the breakup, like a weight had been lifted even though I still felt isolated and alone. The boudoir shoot helped me find ME again, not the old me pre-relationship, but a new version of me.

romantic boudoir photoshoot

I had a huge confidence boost and still look at my photos. I don’t see a broken fragile woman, I see a strong woman who overcame so much.” Keely


Is Boudoir Photography Worth It?


Olivia celebrated her identity as a trans woman