Foxlow Photography

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Jacqui learned to love her perfectly imperfect self

Jacqui was a member of our private Facebook group The Vixens of Foxlow and had admired many ladies' photos and stories, yet she couldn't shake her insecurities which were there right until the moment she saw her photos. I'm honoured that she trusted us despite those fears and I'm delighted she finally sees the beautiful woman everyone else can see.

“It’s only your insecurities telling you that you can't”

"To all the ladies like me who look on the Vixens Facebook group and love to see the photos and read the stories but think I’d love to do this but I can't. To everyone who says I’m too old, I’m too big, I'm too short, I have scars etc - it’s only your insecurities telling you that you can't do it. Take my word for it - you can!

I’m the big 60 this year and I can't even begin to tell you how that’s made me feel... but I now believe that age is just a number. I booked my photoshoot some months ago and when it got nearer to the date I had to re-arrange due to work and I must admit I was a little relieved.

“Danielle was reassuring and caring”

I thought "I’ve got until after Christmas, I’ll be slimmer" but January came and I wasn’t, I was bigger and as the time came I was terrified. In the days running up to my photoshoot I messaged Danielle hoping for words of wisdom, which I got in spades. She couldn’t have been more reassuring and caring.

On the day of the shoot I’d hardly slept, had trouble parking my car due to nerves and a dodgy handbrake and so I was a nervous wreck by the time I arrived overloaded with that much stuff!

“It was a gin & tonic kind of day”

I was welcomed by Danielle and taken to meet Louise who was my make-up artist, was offered all sorts of lovely refreshments and decided it was a gin & tonic kind of day after the morning I’d had!

“We chatted like old friends”

Straight away Louise and I were chattering away like old friends. She asked me what I liked, what look I wanted and how I’d like my hair. We were laughing so much I was crying, not the best when you're having make-up done. She thought my story of my car rolling backwards in the car park hilarious and added how pleased she was to have found the last free parking space...

Free parking space?! I suddenly realised that I was so worried about parking the car, I hadn’t even seen the parking meter! "Worry not" she says; Louise popped next door and had a word with Jon who took my keys and went out to put a ticket on for me, paying for it out of his own pocket. What a truly lovely thing to do! He just told me to relax and enjoy myself, which I certainly did.

“Even my husband doesn’t often see me undressed”

Then the time I’d been so worried about had come, my mouth was dry and my legs had gone to jelly. I mean even my husband doesn’t often see me undressed if I can manage to cover up my lumps-n-bumps!

“I had my eye on a red glitter pair of killer heels”

Danielle carefully unpacked my bags and I’d bought enough for a two week holiday (if you only wore underwear) and told me which bits would work well and was already plotting how and where I’d wear them. I’d spotted her massive shoe collection and I had my eye on a red glitter pair of killer heels so we worked out what I could wear just so I could wear those heels.

With my first outfit on and feeling really awkward and self conscious, I got on the bed still clinging to the pretty wrap I’d been given to protect my modesty. I was coaxed to lose it and as soon as Jon started sorting his lighting and Danielle sorting my pose and arranging hands, feet and everything in between, I realised that they were both so professional that my insecurities and all those silly things I was worried about did not matter one jot.

“It was all about being a beautiful woman”

All they were interested in was getting me the photos that would show me how I could look and that a little curve here and there was all about being a beautiful woman. A smile and sparkling eyes stood out over everything.

Kind words of encouragement, wearing pretty undies and those killer heels all added to my growing confidence and Danielle was fab. She not only helped me put my outfits together, but also fastening my shoes (really long nail extensions hindering me) helping me sort and fasten jewellery, lacing up my corset and even helping me hook my front fastened bra! She went way above and beyond and all with a comfortable calmness.

“There was no awkwardness at all”

There was no awkwardness at all, the time flew by and before I knew it I’d changed four times and had dozens of photos taken. The whole day was a blur it went so fast.

In the days that followed I kept looking on the group and thinking I’d be happy if there were a couple of photos I liked and was worried I’d see only the negative things, so I took my friend to be the voice of reason and positivity, but I’d no need to have worried. I’d set myself my budget just in case I did like them, but I found it hard to lose any as I loved them all.

“I could see the beauty in those things I’d disliked”

I can honestly say that I looked at myself differently, I could see the beauty in those things I’d disliked about myself. We are all beautiful, different and perfectly imperfect. It’s an experience every woman should give herself because learning to love yourself and the way you look is so powerful.

Kick those insecurities into touch! I’m already planning my next photoshoot, now I know what to wear and there’s a few more shoes to try on!

“We are the Vixens, and we rock!”

Book today, you deserve this. I can guarantee you will not regret your decision or be disappointed in the experience. We are the Vixens, and we rock!" Jacqui