Foxlow Photography

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Who is the ideal woman for a Boudoir photoshoot?

During one of the many lockdowns a couple of years ago, myself and Danielle found ourselves with more spare time than we knew what to do with. 

After we’d finished cleaning out every cupboard in our houses and rearranging our bookshelves for the seventeenth time, we decide that it might be more productive to sign up to some online training courses so we could further improve our client experience when we got back into the boudoir studio. 

One of the tasks that really stumped us was an assignment where we had to describe in exact detail who our ideal client is. We were asked to write down her appearance, her occupation, where she shops, her age, where she lives etc.

The reason that this was so difficult for us is that there is no one answer. Our ideal client is not defined by any of these things. We’ve worked with ladies from all walks of life, of all ages, shapes and sizes. Some of them shop in Gucci, some shop in Primark, many are somewhere in the middle or shop at both.

After wracking our brains for a while and struggling to come up with an answer we called it a day. That evening, sat at my computer, some words popped into my head and I found myself, uncharacteristically, writing a poem. I shared these words in a video in our private Facebook group The Vixens of Foxlow at the time, but it was only when I came across a file on my desktop recently that I remembered it. So I thought I would share it with you here and now.

I hope you enjoy it and if any of the words below connect with you, I hope you’ll realise that YOU are our ideal client and we would love to work with you to create beautiful images. Let’s plan a boudoir photoshoot that you can be proud of and that can make you feel amazing. 

is boudoir for me?

People often wonder ‘is boudoir for me’,
How does it work and what do I do?
Who are these women who seem care free,
The ideal clients at Foxlow Photography?

Our ideal client is blonde or brunette,
Her bosom is ample or barely there,
She knows who she is or wants to feel worthy,
Her shape doesn’t define her, it’s slender or curvy.

Her legs are long or she’s five foot tall,
She has stretch marks or she wishes she did,
She’s young and spritely or struggles with stairs,
Her body is firm or shows wear from the years.

Her smile is wide or she’s forgotten how,
She’s a selfie queen or she hides from the lens,
She holds her head high or shies from the crowd,
Her journey is her own and she ought to feel proud.

Her nails are groomed or bitten down low,
She sings in the shower or wakes up late,
She’s a career woman or she’s stayed at home,
Her family is everything or she’s had to survive alone.

Her self worth is great or a work in progress,
She takes what she wants or she waits her turn,
She knows she’s pretty or avoids the mirror,
Her reflection smiles back or says ‘you need to be thinner’.

Her teeth are straight or there’s gaps between them,
She has 20-20 vision or one eye wanders,
She’s gay or she’s straight or she’s just not sure,
Her thoughts are happy or they’re insecure.

Her arms are thin or she always wears sleeves,
She walks in flats or loves high heels,
She’s worried and anxious or completely care-free,
Her body’s a machine or she has bad knees.

Our ideal client is brave and willing to try,
She takes a leap of faith as scary as it seems,
Her inspiration is all the other women,
The ladies of Foxlow - known as The Vixens.