Foxlow Photography

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Boudoir at Any Age

Whilst searching for quotes related to age, this one by Mark Twain resonated with me as capturing the essence of boudoir photography, a genre of photography often misunderstood as being something only for the young. 

"age is an issue of mind over matter. if you don't mind, it doesn't matter." — mark twain. 

At our studio we believe that boudoir should be for everyone. We have photographed clients from 21 years of age, to 74 years of age, and each of these women absolutely rocked their photoshoots. Boudoir, to us, is a celebration of self, and an opportunity to see yourself in a whole new light at any stage in life.

We often talk about Body Positivity but what many people don’t realise is that Body Positivity isn’t just about size or shape, it extends to age as well. Our society often equates youth with beauty, sidelining the elegance and grace that comes with age. Boudoir photography challenges these stereotypes by embracing the idea that every age can be sexy, confident, and utterly beautiful!

For many people, their 20s and 30s are all about exploration and self-discovery. A boudoir session can be an incredible part of that journey, helping to empower and solidify your self-esteem and body image, and to celebrate personal milestones, whether that’s a career move, an academic achievement, new relationships or for personal growth.

Our 40s and 50s are often the years of reflection and renewal. A boudoir shoot can mark a new chapter in life; perhaps the kids have grown up and you have a little more time to yourself, or career paths have shifted. It’s a time to focus on yourself again, to acknowledge your journey and your body’s changes with love and acceptance.

Hitting our 60s and beyond is where many of us begin to worry about receding into the background. However, these years are ripe for celebration. Boudoir photography can be seen as a tribute to the wisdom, strength and beauty accumulated over a lifetime. It’s a moment to celebrate everything your body has done for you and how far it’s come. It’s a way to show yourself that beauty does not fade with age; it evolves.

It’s natural to feel hesitant about stepping in front of the camera at any age, but our goal as a studio is to show your yourself in a whole new light, to show you that whatever your age, you are beautiful and to help to improve your confidence with an album of gorgeous images that you can look back on and feel proud of the person you are. 

Our studio is a safe space where we celebrate everyone’s uniqueness, capturing every story your body tells. We offer guidance on how to pose, what to wear and how to prepare, making sure you feel comfortable and beautiful no matter your age. 

beauty does not recognise age limits.

Boudoir photography is a way to celebrate every chapter of your life. Don’t let age be a barrier to experiencing something transformative. We invite you to step into our studio and see yourself in a new light - at any age!